Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A simple, effective method for organizing your spices

I'm too cheap to buy one of those fancy tiered spice shelves and too busy to take the time to alphabatize. However, I hate digging through the cupboard to find the spice I need. I created these little bins to shorten my search time.

First off, I used a magic marker to write the first letter of the spice on it's lid. Then, I divided the spices into 2 groups (A-K and L-Z). I bought these cheap containers at Wal-Mart and labeled them with a magic marker.

Now, when I need a spice I just pull the whole bin onto the counter and find the first letter. Usually I can find any give spice within a few seconds. It's not perfection, but it's tons easier than maintaining a full alphabetical system and takes much less room in my cupboard. Plus, when I'm done, I just toss the spice back into the bin and put it back in the cupboard. Anything that allows for a quicker clean-up is a keeper on my list. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Idea MeckMom! I already have those cheap bins with most of my spices but I've never labeled. Guess what I'm doing today!