Wednesday, March 08, 2006

An easy-access weekly planner for your kids

During the morning rush to get the kids off to school, I found myself checking multiple papers to find out what was happening that day. Did we need to pack library books or p.e. shoes? Is it a hot lunch day or do I need to pack a lunch? Does she need to bring her girl scout vest or ballet shoes? Some things were on the calendar and some were tacked up on the fridge. I felt like I was wasting time that I couldn't spare, so I created this weekly planner to help my first grader manage her own schedule.

It's a very simple velcro system. On it I list the days of the week Monday through Saturday. I created icons in MS Word for each of my daughter's usual activities and color coded the titles for easy sorting. Under each day, I've added a strip of velcro that can hold three icons. The first icon shows what's happening at school that day (art, library, pe, music, computer). The second icon shows what type of lunch she's having (cold or hot). The third icon shows reminders and afterschool activities (test, homework, afterschool activity, etc.). I added a few extra dots of velcro down the right side to store the unused icons.

Usually, on Sunday night at family council we'll gather all the various calendars and reminders and my daughter will arrange the icons on her chart. As a side note, she'll also use this chart to help her know what clothes to put in her clothes organizer that I posted last week( For example, on p.e. days she knows she can't pick a skirt and on brownie scout days she'll add her vest to the outfit for that day.

We post this "planner" on the fridge so she can see it each morning when she's getting dressed and packing her backpack. It has made a huge difference in our morning routine. I'll also use it throughout the week when her teacher sends home reminders and other info. I think this one will stick with us for several years. Just thought I'd pass it on. Posted by Picasa

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