Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A few more bright binder ideas

After my last post, I had a few questions about the other sheet protector-filled binders in my cupboard. Here are a few of my favorites:

· Family Info Binder: This one keeps track of all those papers sent home with my kids for their various activities. Anything from soccer schedules to Brownie Scout phone numbers to preschool weekly themes winds up here. In the binder, I've got 3 dividers for each of my kids (i.e. Jack's calendars, Jack's directories, Jack's misc info). When papers come home, I stick them in here and then bring the binder with me whenever I update the family calendar.
· Receipts Binder: Most of my receipts end up in the trash once I know I won't be returning anything. However, I like to hang on to big ticket receipts just in case I need it for warranty issues. Any single item that's more than $100 goes into a sheet protector in this binder. I've got it divided by the common stores I shop, so I can find things quickly. There's also a misc. divider for all those random purchases.
· Manuals Binder: This one's pretty self-explanatory. I never knew what to do with those annoying instruction manuals that come with every appliance and electronic thing. Finally, I created this binder. Now when I need to remember how to work my phone, check on a warranty, or order extra parts for my vacuum I know just where to look.
· Directories Binder: This one holds all those phone numbers that I need often. Church directories, school directories, neighborhood directories, they all end up here.
· Decorating Ideas Binder: I can't afford anything in the Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware catalogs, but I love to copy their ideas. Rather than hang on to the whole catalog I rip out the pages I like and stick them in this binder. It's divided by room and has a little pack of post-its in the front so I can jot down what I liked about that particular picture. The same concept could work for recipes, family fun ideas, or anything else you tend to hang on to.

I've got a few others binders stashed around the house, but these are the "have to keep it in the kitchen so I actually use it" binders. Just thought I'd pass it on.

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